Archives for category: Uncategorized
  • From August of 2017 until August 2018 I took a Facebook break. All that hate was just more than I could take. I thought it be interesting to make a list (extremely incomplete) of news events and personal experiences during that time. Here it is:
    • Total Eclipse of the sun and we were there
    • Hurricane Harvey in Texas
    • My brother in law, Steve Mincey, dies
    • Family members: Melissa, Phillip, Summer, Christopher are in a car crash
    • North Korea fired a ballistic missiles over Japan
    • Hurricane Irma hits Florida
    • Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico
    • Las Vegas country music massacre 58 dead over 500 wounded by one insane man my age
    • Tom Petty died
    • California burned (three times)
    • Facebook splits feeds for profit
    • Puerto Rico without services months later, yet Trump gives himself an “A” for crisis management
    • Lots of sexual harassment charges and men fired
    • Spain starts to unravel, then dissolved government of Catalonia
    • Trump’s Twitter account was shut down for 11 minutes
    • Half the people in a Texas church are killed by a gunman and the other half wounded
    • Roy Moore runs for US Senate denying charges of molesting teens, then gets beaten by his Dem opponent
    • A puppy showed up at Tsegaye’s window at 3:00 am and stayed
    • I stumbled down 6 or six rows of bleachers at a basketball tournament until a young man from Konawa named Cody offered a hand and saved me from a hospital trip or worse.
    • Oklahoma government continues to demonstrate total incompetence and down-right contempt for its people
    • Trump (who calls himself a stable genius) tells 2000 lies in his first year then refers to Haiti and African nations as “shit hole” nations.
    • Three Native American girls disrupted Gov. Mary Fallon’s last state of the state address with a banner stating “State of Despair”
    • Elon Musk sent a Tesla Roadster into the asteroid belt. Don’t know why.
    • In Parkland, Florida, 17 students killed and 15 injured by AR-15 wielding by former student, but Paul Ryan said “Now is not the time…” to talk about it.
    • West Virginia teacher strike lasted nine days but they got the 5% they asked for. Sadly, that money will come from “very deep cuts” to entitlement programs.
    • Oklahoma teachers give state lawmakers an April 1 deadline to fund education and are joined by state workers. Walkout looms.
    • Facebook comes under fire for allowing malicious use of personal data by firms like Cambridge Analytica.
    • A pedestrian is hit and killed by a self driving Uber car in Arizona.
    • Tsegaye and I joined friends in “March for our Lives” in Oklahoma City.
    • Oklahoma teachers are finally so fed up with lack of funding that they walkout.
    • This book was published: Jaron Lanier’s argument for getting off Facebook
    • Eight to ten students and adults shot to death at Santa Fe High School by a seventeen year old male student. NRA worshipers double down.
    • I retired.
    • Trump finds a kindred spirit in Kim Jon Yung at a summit in Shanghai, while making enemies of all our allies.
    • Trump administration begins separating immigrant children and parents at border crossings – blames it on democrats.
    • We traveled to Tennessee where my granddaughter was dancing. Got to tour Parkin Archeological State Park, Jack Daniel Distillery, Buford Pusser’s home, Rock City, Ruby Falls, Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Cumberland Falls State Park, the National Corvette Museum, and South Union Shaker Village historic site.
    • July is warmest month on record for US.
    • California burns again- worse than last year.
    • Linda and I see the sights in Enid.
    • Oklahoma legalized medical marijuana.
    • School starts and I didn’t…
  • The relevance of these items are, of course, entirely subjective – one should never turn to Facebook as a news source. I’m hoping FB has improved the interface so I can filter out the politics and hate. We’ll see or it will be a short reunion. Peace, brothers and sisters!
  • payup

    Photo found on Un-Politics: a slightly, dysfunctional government

    The State of Oklahoma and the United States of America have something in common right now: they can’t pass a budget. As a result, neither our State or our Federal Government is working. Our elected officials are not doing their most basic duty – running the government. As a result, the citizenry of both bodies of government are suffering more our elected officials are.

    So I have this idea, maybe a couple of ideas, and I’d like for my dear reader (note the use of the singular here) to point out why the idea is a bad one. How about we make a rule of law that no bill can be brought to committee until the budget has been passed and signed into law? It’s okay to submit bills: get the lawyers busy analyzing all of the crazy stuff submitted to please the constituents and (hopefully) weed out all the unconstitutional nonsense, but nothing goes to committee, discussion, consideration, or vote until the budget is done. That is the one job they absolutely have to do: run the government. We have seen what happens if they don’t do this. We look to the entire world as a bunch of idiots. Dysfunctional. It’s embarrassing and something has to be done.

    Remember elementary school? The school yard bullies who picked on everyone “inferior”? Remember the clicks and the hen pecking to establish a dominate order? Stupid behaviors you hoped every one would outgrow? Well, they didn’t.

    A second idea to support the first can be borrowed from the Catholic Church. When a new Pope is required, the Cardinals are shut away in the Vatican until the new pope is elected. Let’s say our elected officials fail to do their one important job and can’t pass a budget. Instead of rewarding them for their failure by paying for a special session, how about we board up all the doors and windows (and close off the secret tunnels) until we see the smoke of the burning papers from their secret deliberations, compromises, and concessions? No food until the job is done. We may even have to cut off the water after a day or two.

    I was literally shocked this week when I found out the AAI (Adoption Advocates International) had shut down. My wife and I spent a good two years of our lives interfacing with this agency in the process of adopting our son. I was so impressed with what they were doing.

    Sadly, after the adoption I slipped into complacency and didn’t know when they had to close Wanna/Layla House in Addis Abba, Ethiopia or that the agency itself had changed so much and was succumbing to defeat. I always assumed they would be there. I thought we might be able to visit when we travel back to Ethiopia some day. Now they are gone. I feel very sorry for all the families and staff who are hurt by AAI’s demise.

    Deviant Art

    I joined DA this week and made myself a pledge to create at least one thing, five days a week. We’ll see how that goes. Most likely it will be as consistent as my posts to this blog.

    Wow, I forgot I had a blog. Is that a good thing or a bad thing: discuss amongst yourselves.

    Okay, truth is: I have two blogs. Boring, yes, but here they are…
