Merriam-Webster defines “lunacy” as:

  1. intermittent insanity once believed to be related to phases of the moon
  2. wild foolishness: extravagant folly
  3. a foolish act
There is no shortage of lunacy in my life, but it wouldn’t be life without it. I’m always trying to impose order, at least imagine it, on top of the chaos around me. There were times that lunacy scared me, as it very well should have. Lunacy is like sugar, it may not be healthy or essential, but you want it anyway.
Lunacy is letting yourself being talked into going on a road trip when you really need to work or study. Lunacy can be found in a glance, an inspiration, a dream, or a temptation. We pass up all the lunacy we can, but sometimes you just have to dive in. Lunacy is it’s own reward. It keeps you from being that driven, successful, ego-centric person you could have been but are glad you aren’t. It makes you notice the beautiful, the sublime, the essence. Thank God for lunacy.

Ode to Old Age

I can’t seem to remember the simplest thing,
and my patience wears thin like an old coat of paint.
Don’t tell me of sorrow the morrow shall bring,
if it gets any worse I fear I will faint.

If tomorrow I wake with a thought in my head,
of what I should do with that blessed day.
Then I’ll thank the Lord that I’m not simply dead,
or standing around in everyone’s way.

Yes, I’ll make a list of the things I should do,
all I can recall and a few that I can’t.
I will not promise I’ll see them all thru,
I do what I can and the rest, well, I shan’t.

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